How Sofia Richie’s Nail Artist Explains How To Get The Ideal Bridal Manicure

The Ideal Bridal Manicure Bridal manicures are distinct from standard manicures. It takes more than just choosing a hue and crossing your fingers—your wedding manicure needs planning, preparation, and that crucial trial, much like your hair, makeup, and skincare. Therefore, Vogue’s guide to perfecting your wedding manicures is the perfect place to start if you’re a soon-to-be bride searching for manicure inspiration.

The Ideal Bridal Manicure

The woman who did Sofia Richie’s bridal manicure for her 2023 wedding, Georgia Rae, went on to create one of the most sought-after nail looks of the previous summer, with the hue Sweet Candy Breath selling out right away.

Rae suggests doing a trial run in advance of your wedding to experiment with colors and stacking various shade combinations in order to find the perfect shade for you. She advises, “Take into account your skin tone and the shade of your dress, as well as whether you plan to have a self-tan that day.” Rae usually starts by talking about clothes with her clients before moving forward. “There are instances when they have the garment there, so we can hold it up to the nail colors to see which ones work best with it. Most of the time, I discover that the right color goes well with the outfit rather than necessarily matching it.

If you’re at a loss for ideas, Rae suggests beginning with a foundation color that is creamy white. “It adds a wash of white, so I really like layering it underneath a pink,” the woman explains. “It gives it a bridal vibe without requiring a stark white color.”

How many days should pass before your wedding for your bridal manicure?

Rae says, “I would really like to go any longer than that because you do want it to look as fresh as possible. I book most of my clients in one to three days before their wedding.” Rae advises making sure the polish is painted as close to the cuticle as possible if that isn’t feasible given your timetable. To keep nails appearing fresher for longer, choose a color that won’t obviously show regrowth, like the sheer hues, and oil them daily. On the day: “To ensure that your hands and nails look really fresh on the day, I’d also give them a nice hand scrub.”

How to select the appropriate tone for your skin tone The Ideal Bridal Manicure

“Try getting a tan around the same time as your manicure run-through if you’re planning on getting one for your wedding,” advises Rae. “If you choose not to, just be aware that a shade will appear lighter after you’ve tanned.” Rae suggests pinkish tones for darker complexion tones. “It gives the manicure a lift, and I think it works well with all skin tones when you layer a sheer white underneath.” Rae still suggests applying a very small coat of translucent white first, “then layer a light pink,” for those with paler complexion. Her best advice? Avoid overanalyzing it. Your natural nails should be better—think shiny, bright, and radiant.

First, he recommends starting with well-prepared nails. This includes proper shaping, cuticle care, and a nourishing base coat to ensure a smooth, healthy foundation. For the color, Bachik suggests opting for timeless shades like soft pinks, nudes, or even a classic French manicure. These colors complement any wedding dress and add a touch of sophistication.

For added durability, he advises using a high-quality gel polish that can withstand the day’s activities and last through the honeymoon. To personalize the look, subtle embellishments like delicate crystals or fine lace patterns can add a unique, romantic touch without overpowering the overall elegance.


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